Mandatory practices for handling sensitive data ensure the protection of sensitive information. For instance, documents, data and data carriers have to be labeled with their respective level of classification. Increasing information security in this way, helps protect data from unauthorized access. This staff training provides your employees with an introduction into the secrecy requirements of sensitive information and offers not only important background knowledge but also a number of interactive practical examples. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).
Other languages on request. Editable with our authoring software. Compatible with all common learning management systems (LMS). Online learning platform included!
Target group:
Employees of companies or organizations.
Story + Quiz
Information, classification, confidential data, sensitive information, documents, data, information media, classification levels, information security, access, secrecy, information security, confidential, internal, public, clear desk policy, information owner, data security, destruction, disposal, media